Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fia opens stable, gets his 17 year old nephew into sumo!

"Ex-Musashimaru has become the second foreign-born Oyakata to have his own heya. He is re-establishing Musashigawa beya and will assume the name on February 4th upon the current Oyakata's retirement. His 17-year-old nephew whom he has been schooling will join him there as well. He will attempt to recruit new deshi. The heya will be established on the current Nakamura beya premises. Nakamura has closed down as the Oyakata will retire on February 9th-all deshi will move to Azumazeki beya tomorrow. 1 gyoji-to Hakkaku. If everything goes as planned, deshi from the renewed Musashigawa will appear on the dohyo come March basho 2013." - credit to Kintamayama for this post on sumo forum.

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