Sunday, December 2, 2012

Behind the Curtain - Jan 2013

January takes us to the first basho of the New Year, and at this time too, there is 2 first time sekitori, stepping out from behind the curtain, making their debut in the paid ranks. Accompanying these two men is one more rikishi returning to the paid ranks for the basho at Kokugikan. These three have one important thing in common, they are hail from the great country of Mongolia. These are three of the 27 Mongolians in the Sumo Association today.
Tamanoi beya's Azumaryu at Makushita 1 West notched a very impressive 6-1 record at Kyushu to earn his first trip to the paid division. He tore through these first 3 bouts of the Kyushu tourney, going 3-0, ironically beating his countryman, and one of the other 2 stepping out from behind the curtain, Kagamio, with very strong uwatenage.
This rising star was noted by Mark Buckton back on January 8, 2011, in the Japan Times Online. Mark selected Azumaryu to as the rikishi to watch in 2011, and by reaching the Juryo rank, Azumaryu proved Mark correct, a little late, but correct none the less.
"And, of course, the up-and-comer to watch for in 2011 - Azumaryu Tsuyoshi - from Tamanoi Beya. Aged 23, ranked higher than the yokozuna at the same point in his own illustrious career, he is a Mongolian from the same town as Hakuho, and one set to benefit from the expertise of his stable master, former ozeki Tochiazuma - the last Japanese to win a yusho."
That is a pretty high bar, comparing young Azumaryu to one of the current Mongolian Yokozuna, Hakuho. And this writer is somewhat partial to the point that the last Japanese yusho was from Azumaryu oyakata, former ozeki Tochiazuma, which occurred 7 years ago at the same Hatsu basho at Kokugikan, January 2006.
Azumaryu is joining his stable's fellow sekitori, Fujiazuma, and Yoshiazuma, in front of the curtain this basho.
Kagamiyama beya's Kagamio at Makushita 4 West slipped into paid ranks with a 4-3 record the last basho. Kagamiyama beya as a grand total of 2 rikishi, Kagamio and the oyakata's son, Ryusei. Kamagio's tsukebito will need to come from another stable. With only 2 rikishi, Kamagio will continue to perform sumotori duties at this stable, like washing clothes and cleaning the toilet.
This is Kagamio's first time in front of the curtain. Unlike Azumaryu, who is breaking Hakuho records in raising up the ranks, Kagamio has been at for almost 10 years, with his debut in sumo back in July 2003!
Sakaigawa beya's Shironoryu at Makushita 3 East earn his kachikoshi with a 4-3 record in November. It was reported that Kagamio was singing Hakkeyoi the whole evening after finding out of his promotion to Juryo. He is only 179 cm tall and 115.2 kg big, so he isn't a large sekitori, but he has great technique, which as we all know, can make up for size.
This is Kagamio's first time in front of the curtain. Unlike Azumaryu, who is breaking Hakuho records in raising up the ranks, Kagamio has been at for almost 10 years, with his debut in sumo back in July 2003!
Sakaigawa beya's Shironoryu at Makushita 3 East earn his kachikoshi with a 4-3 record in November. It was reported that Kagamio was singing Hakkeyoi the whole evening after finding out of his promotion to Juryo. He is only 179 cm tall and 115.2 kg big, so he isn't a large sekitori, but he has great technique, which as we all know, can make up for size.

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